• ABOUT US

    Contribution Request: Procedures & Guidelines

    Funds available for Arizona-based, legal and community organizations
    The State Bar of Arizona (SBA) recognizes the value of supporting Arizona-based, legal and community organizations and invites them to submit a request for financial support.

    The SBA will consider solicitations for contributions for those events and activities that an organization is planning for a calendar year. Contributions will be made to support activities promoting interaction between all members of the Bar.

    Organization must be recognized as a non-profit or governmental entity to qualify for a contribution.

    Guidelines for Qualification
    The State Bar of Arizona's Contribution Policy requires the following:

    • The event or program must be consistent with the Mission Statement of the State Bar. Click here to review the Bar's Mission.
    • The event or program must be consistent with State Bar core values of integrity, service, diversity, professionalism, justice and leadership.
    • Funds may not be used for alcohol or religious services. The event or program must be consistent with Keller (non-partisan/political).
    • Recipients must include sponsorship recognition in brochures, programs, or other event materials.
    • Recipients must use awarded funds for the event or program requested. If the recipient is unable to use the funds for the awarded purpose, a request must be submitted to the Bar for approval of an alternative use of funds. If the "alternative use" is denied, then funds must be returned to the State Bar.

    Failure to use funds for approved events may result in the receiving organization's ineligibility for future contributions.

    Application Process
    To be considered for a contribution, organizations must submit their written request electronically to contributions@staff.azbar.org. Requests should include:

    1. description of the event;
    2. amount requested;
    3. table, seat and/or advertisement details, if applicable; and
    4. supporting elements that ensure your request meets the aforementioned qualifications.

    Requests submitted will be reviewed by the CEO/Executive Director and considered for approval. Notification of approval/disapproval will be sent accordingly. Approved request will be submitted to SBA Finance for processing and disbursement with the approval letter.

    A list of approved requests will be maintained and provided to the State Bar's Finance and Audit Committee.

    Standard requests can be made up to $2,500. Any request exceeding $2,500 must be approved by the Finance and Audit Committee.

    Any request denied by the CEO/Executive Director will be reviewed by the Finance & Audit Committee.

    Have questions? Contact Elena Nethers at elena.nethers@staff.azbar.org.