• ABOUT US

    Member Assistance Program FAQs

    • Is there a still Member Assistance Program?

    A: Yes, the program now offers support through a peer support network staffed by lawyer volunteers who have been trained and are available to offer support and resources to lawyers, judges and law students.

    • Who is eligible for services from MAP?

    A: Members of the Bar and their families, law students, and judges.

    • Is MAP only for members participating in the discipline process?

    A: Members participating in the discipline process may be referred to Lawyer Regulation's MAP through the compliance monitor at 602.340.7258.  There are, however, confidential voluntary services available to all members through the Peer Support Network. 

    • Will Lawyer Regulation find out that I am seeking help voluntarily?

    A: No. Services are confidential. Lawyer Regulation will not know that you are using the services.

    • What do I do to get help?

    A: Click here for the Peer Support Network, Support Groups and Crisis Hotline pages.

    • Where can I get more information?

    A: Call 602.340.7334.