Terms and Conditions for the use of the State Bar of Arizona Website
The State Bar of Arizona (“State Bar”) does not offer legal advice. The information contained on this website is general in nature and may not reflect current legal developments. The State Bar makes no guarantees, representations, or warranties as to the accuracy or adequacy of the information contained in its website. The information contained on the website of the State Bar, or in the response to any search request, is not a substitute for obtaining competent legal advice from an attorney. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted under Arizona law, except for any choice of law provisions. Jurisdiction for any claims related to the use of this website shall lie with the courts in Maricopa County, Arizona.
All information and materials contained on the website including without limitation designs, documents, graphics, images, information, logos, products, services, software, and sounds, are the exclusive property of the State Bar. This information or material may not be copied, displayed, distributed, downloaded, linked, modified, posted, reproduced, republished, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including without limitation electronic, mechanical, photocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of the State Bar.
The website is not a legal referral service, and the State Bar does not receive any fees or commissions from any attorneys relating to the website. The State Bar strongly recommends that if the user has a specific legal issue, that they engage an attorney admitted to practice law in the appropriate jurisdiction. The website may provide references and links to information contained in websites owned or operated by third-parties that are not related to the State Bar of Arizona. These references and links are provided only for the convenience of the user and do not imply approval, endorsement, or sponsorship of such information or websites by the State Bar of Arizona.
All communications sent to the State Bar of Arizona by the user, including without limitation letters, electronic mail, and articles, are done so publicly and are not confidential or protected by any professional privilege or relationship.
The website may contain information from advertisers and sponsors. These advertisers and sponsors are not related to the State Bar and are exclusively responsible for ensuring that all information and links provided are accurate, complete, and comply with any applicable laws.
If the user is an attorney admitted to practice law, whether in Arizona or elsewhere, then the attorney acknowledges that the Rules of Professional Conduct for the jurisdiction in which they are admitted to practice law apply to and govern all aspects of their use of the website. Such Rules of Professional Conduct include without limitation the rules regarding the solicitation of clients, the unauthorized practice of law, and the misrepresentation of fact.
Privacy: The State Bar respects the privacy of the user. Therefore, the State Bar does not license or sell to third-parties the personal information of the user or the manner in which that user accesses or uses information from the website. Personal information for purposes of this section shall mean only that information which specifically identifies the user and their use of this website (e.g., clicking on any particular link or information tab). The State Bar may collect and use the personal information to improve or modify the website. Contact information contained in membership records provided through the website, however, may in limited circumstances be provided under State Bar policies, including the public records policy.