Legal Specialization

Board-Certified Specialists are Experienced. Respected. Tested. Certified.

Being a State Bar of Arizona Board-Certified Specialist is a mark of excellence and a distinguished accomplishment.  Board-Certified Specialists are lawyers who have substantial experience, the respect of their peers, and demonstrated special knowledge, skills and proficiency in their area of law. 

Find out more about becoming a State Bar of Arizona Board-Certified Specialist here

How does it work? The State Bar of Arizona Board of Legal Specialization (BLS) certifies specialists in ten(10) practice areas, subject to the jurisdiction of the Arizona Supreme Court (Rule 44, Ariz. R. Sup. Ct.) and is governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Legal Specialization (BLS Rules & Regulations).  An Advisory Commission (AC) is established for each area of specialization, and the AC is charged with administering the program in its particular field, in cooperation with and under the guidance of the BLS. Click here to learn more about our Advisory Commissions.

Only lawyers who are certified by the Board of Legal Specialization or by a national entity accredited by the State Bar of Arizona may advertise themselves as Board-Certified Specialists in a particular field.  Interested in starting a new area of Legal Specialization?  Contact the BLS Administrator at specialization@staff.azbar.org to find out how.

For additional information contact:

Mabel Ramirez
Board of Legal Specialization Administrator
Phone: 602.340.7326
Email: Mabel.Ramirez@staff.azbar.org