- MCLE Affidavit Filing Instructions
MCLE Affidavit Filing Instructions
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Who Needs to File?
If you are holding active status as of June 30, you are required to file an annual MCLE affidavit.
You are not required to file if your status is inactive, retired, or judicial as of June 30.
Dates to Add to Your Calendar:
June 30: Deadline to complete CLE hours.
September 15: Deadline to file MCLE affidavit. Online filing will be available at the beginning of June, giving you roughly three months to file your affidavit.
CLE Tracking Page Instructions
Arizona’s educational year runs from July 1 through June 30. Starting at the beginning of June, you will have the ability to proceed to the affidavit filing screen.
To get to your CLE Tracking Dashboard, click on the Member Login button at the top of the page. Once you login, you will be taken to your Member Dashboard. You will find a link to your CLE Tracking/MCLE Affidavit at the right of the screen under the Quick Links menu.
The CLE tracking dashboard is a tool provided to our members to allow them to consolidate information regarding all CLE activity throughout the educational year. It is from your CLE Tracking Dashboard that you will proceed to the filing of your annual MCLE affidavit. The CLE tracking dashboard is not your affidavit. Completing the information on this page is not the same as filing your affidavit.
Your tracking page will open when you click on the orange "Go to Tracking Page" button from your CLE Tracking Dashboard.
Your tracking page allows you to enter third party provider CLE and State Bar Self-Study entries. You should never manually enter any State Bar CLE except Self-Study and Teaching Hours.
Additional Instructions
If you are not residing in Arizona, but are residing in and admitted to another MCLE jurisdiction, you are not required to enter your CLE activity on the tracking page. You may use the tracking page for your records if you wish.
If that jurisdiction has no MCLE requirements, or if you are not complying with the CLE requirements in that jurisdiction, you must meet Arizona's annual requirement of 15 CLE hours, of which a minimum of 3 need to be professional responsibility/ethics-defined hours. You must enter your CLE activity on the tracking page.
To file your MCLE affidavit, follow the instructions under "READY TO FILE" below.
If you are an In-House Counsel registrant under Rule 38 and are complying with the MCLE requirements in the other state(s) in which you are admitted, you are not required to enter your CLE activity on the tracking page. You may use the tracking page for your records if you wish.
If the other jurisdiction(s) do not require you to attain CLE, you must meet Arizona's annual requirement of 15 CLE hours, of which a minimum of 3 need to be professional responsibility/ethics-defined hours. You must enter your CLE activity on the tracking page.
To file your MCLE affidavit, follow the instructions under "READY TO FILE" below.
If you are a court employee, and subject to COJET, you are not required to enter your CLE activity on the CLE tracking page. To file your MCLE affidavit, follow the instructions under "READY TO FILE" below.
Certified Specialists must have a minimum of 15 hours MCLE hours, of these at least 12 hours must be advanced level hours in your area of specialization, additionally, a minimum of 3 of the 15 hours must be professional responsibility/ethics-defined hours in order to file the affidavit.
State Bar CLE which qualifies as advance level will be auto populated showing the advanced hours on your "CLE Tracking Page."
For third party events, you will need to enter the amount of total MCLE hours, professional responsibility/ethics-defined hours, the amount of advanced hours and the area of specialization when entering your CLE on the tracking page.
If your status as of June 30th is Judicial, Inactive, or Retired you have no requirement to file, and will not be able to access the filing screen.
Do not manually enter State Bar CLE events.
The State Bar program I’ve taken has not shown up on my tracking page:
State Bar CLE programs are entered for you automatically within 2 hours of completion. If a State Bar program does not appear on your tracking page after 2 hours, please make sure that you retrieved the Certificate of Attendance from the CLE Website. If you have the certificate, indicate your name, bar number and the issue in an email to clefix@azbar.org to resolve this issue prior to filing your affidavit. Do not enter State Bar programs manually.
I took a State Bar program after the end of the educational year. How can I move it back?
CLE taken through the State Bar CLE Department will auto populate on the tracking page for the year in which it was completed.
If you've taken a State Bar program after the end of this educational year (after June 30), and need the hours for late compliance this year, go to next year's tracking page (click on the educational year drop down and select the correct year), once the screen refreshes, click on "Go to CLE Tracking Page." Click on the edit button to the right of the event. Change the MCLE year to the year you are filing. Save the seminar. This will move the event to the year in which you need the CLE credit. Do not enter State Bar programs manually.
How can I go back and claim an event from last year?
If you have an event that was not entered on last year's tracking page or affidavit and you would now like to claim credit, go to your CLE Tracking Dashboard. Click on the Education Year that you need to amend. When the Dashboard updates to that year, click on the orange "Go to Tracking Page" button and enter the event. Exit to your CLE Tracking Dashboard and click on the blue "File Amended Affidavit" button and follow the prompts through the four screens.
The updated carry forward hours will not populate onto the following year's affidavit until your amended affidavit has been reviewed and marked compliant. Please allow at least 1-2 business days for completion or contact the MCLE Department to expedite processing.
Go to your CLE Tracking Dashboard, click on "Go to Tracking Page."
To enter programs from third-party providers, click on the "Add Event" button next to the Other CLE Hours heading on the tracking page.
Enter the requested information and save the seminar. Seminars should be added to the appropriate educational year. The date format must be MM/DD/YYYY. The instructions for calculating CLE hours can be found in MCLE Regulation 104(B) here.
Ready to File
Once you have all of your hours on your tracking page (if applicable) and are ready to file the MCLE affidavit, click on the "File Affidavit" button on the right hand side of the CLE Tracking Dashboard.
The CLE Tracking Page is the first step toward online filing of the annual MCLE affidavit.
Entering or reviewing information on this screen is not the same as filing your affidavit.
You must click on the "File Affidavit" button on the CLE Tracking Dashboard to successfully file.
You will know that your affidavit has been successfully filed when you receive the “Affidavit Submitted Successfully” screen.
There are several filing categories. For detailed instructions, click your filing category below.
There are four screens to be completed in the MCLE affidavit filing process.
On Screen 1, click the radio button next to “I am filing as an active member, residing in Arizona”.
Members in this category must have at least 15 CLE hours, 3 of which are professional responsibility/ethics, to file an MCLE affidavit.
Click on "Next."
Screen 2 will show you a summary of all the CLE events entered on the CLE tracking page. Review this list for accuracy and completeness.
If changes are required, click on the "Cancel & Edit Tracking" button at the bottom left side of the screen.
This will return you to your CLE Tracking Dashboard. Click on the "Go to Tracking Page" button. After making your adjustments, return to the affidavit filing screen by closing the CLE Tracking Page and clicking on “File Affidavit” button. You will start again at Screen 1.
Once your events are accurate, click on "Next."
Here is where any applicable fees will appear. You will be taken directly to Screen 4 if you do not owe fees.
There are two types of late fees associated with MCLE requirements.
If you didn’t complete your CLE hours by the end of the educational year (June 30), a late compliance fee will apply. If you have late compliance fees showing, but completed your CLE by June 30, go back and carefully check the dates you entered for your CLE on your tracking page. You may have incorrectly entered a month or year for an event triggering the fees.
If you didn’t file your affidavit by the filing deadline (September 15), a late filing fee will apply.
If there is a fee displayed in this section when neither of these situations apply, do not file your affidavit until you contact the MCLE department (mcle@staff.azbar.org or 602.340.7328) to resolve. If not filing your affidavit would cause you to owe fees, go ahead and file, but indicate pay by check and contact the MCLE department on the next business day to resolve. Failure to file for any reason by the deadline will cause a late filing fee to apply.
You can choose to pay online with a credit card or mail in a paper check. All payments should be remitted within 30 days of affidavit filing. Any member with unpaid fees as of December 15 may be subject to summary suspension for MCLE non-compliance.
Screen 4 asks you to confirm that you have read Ariz. R. Sup. Ct. Rule 45. By checking "I agree" you confirm your electronic signature pre-populated onto the affidavit.
When all four sections are complete, click on the "Submit Affidavit" button.
You will know that your affidavit has been successfully filed when you receive the “Affidavit Submitted Successfully” screen.
If you do not receive the "Affidavit Submitted Successfully" screen, you have not filed your affidavit. Try again or contact the MCLE Department for assistance at 602.340.7328.
You will receive a copy of your Affidavit in the email inbox(es) you entered as you filed your affidavit. From time to time, these emails get caught by spam filters. You can print a copy of your affidavit by going to your Affidavit History screen from your CLE Tracking Dashboard.
There are three screens to be completed in the MCLE affidavit filing process.
Specialists do not have to enter a filing category. Your filing category is already be recognized by the MCLE affidavit application.
Screen 1 will show you the CLE events you entered on the CLE Tracking Page. Review this list for accuracy and completeness. Remember as a Certified Specialist, you need to have a minimum of 15 MCLE hours, of these at least 12 hours must be advanced hours in your area of specialization, additionally, at least 3 of the 15 total hours must be professional responsibility/ethics.
Check to make sure you have properly entered advanced hours on all seminars that qualify as advanced. State Bar of Arizona seminars that are already auto-populated, will indicate if they have advanced hours.
If changes are required, click on the "Cancel & Edit Tracking" button at the bottom left side of the screen.
This will return you to your CLE Tracking Dashboard. Click on the "Go To Tracking Page" button. After making your adjustments, return to the affidavit filing screen by closing the tracking page and clicking on "File Affidavit." You will start at Screen 1.
Once you have reviewed for accuracy, click on "Next."
Here is where any applicable late fees will appear. You will be taken directly to Screen 4 if you do not owe fees.
There are two types of late fees associated with MCLE.
If you didn't complete your CLE hours by the end of the educational year (June 30), a late compliance fee will apply. If you have a late fee displayed but completed all your CLE by June 30, go back and carefully review the dates you entered for your CLE. You may have incorrectly entered a month or year for an event triggering the fees.
If you didn't file your affidavit by the filing deadline (September 15), a late filing fee will apply.
If there is a fee displayed in this section when neither of these situations apply, do not file your affidavit until you contact the MCLE department (MCLE@staff.azbar.org or 602.340.7328). If not filing your affidavit would cause you to owe fees, go ahead and file, but indicate pay by check and contact the MCLE department on the next business day to resolve. Failure to file for any reason by the deadline will cause a late filing fee to apply.
You can choose to pay online with a credit card or mail a paper check. You should remit payment within 30 days of filing. Any members with unpaid fees as of December 15 may be subject to summary suspension for MCLE non-compliance.
Once you have paid your fees, click on "Next."
Screen 3 asks you to confirm that you have read Ariz. R. Sup. Ct. Rule 45. By checking "I agree" you confirm your electronic signature pre-populated onto the affidavit.
When all three screens are complete, click on the "Submit Affidavit" button.
You will know that your affidavit has been successfully filed when you receive the “Affidavit Submitted Successfully” screen.
If you do not receive the "Affidavit Submitted Successfully" screen, you have not filed your affidavit. Try again or contact the MCLE department for assistance.
You will also receive a copy of your affidavit in the email inbox(es) that you entered as you filed your affidavit. It is not uncommon for the confirmation email to get caught by spam filters. You can also print out a copy of your affidavit from the Affidavit History screen off of your CLE Tracking Dashboard.
There are four screens to be completed in the MCLE affidavit filing process.
On Screen 1, there are two options for "Non-Residents". Click the radio button next to “Non-Resident” option that fits your circumstances.
If you are admitted in the MCLE jurisdiction in which you reside and are subject to and complying with that jurisdiction’s MCLE requirements, click the radio button for “I am a Non-Resident, and admitted to and live in the MCLE jurisdiction of...”. Select your MCLE jurisdiction from the drop-down list.
If you are a non-resident, admitted and residing in another jurisdiction that does not have a mandatory MCLE requirement or if you are not licensed in the jurisdiction in which you reside, click on the radio button for “I am a Non-Resident, and I am in compliance with Arizona's MCLE requirements."
Failure to select the correct filing category may cause the automated filing system to assess you incorrect fees or for your affidavit to be marked out of compliance.
Click on "Next."
If you are residing in another MCLE jurisdiction and subject to and complying with that jurisdiction's MCLE requirement, screen 2 is not required to have any CLE listed. If you listed CLE on your Tracking Page, it will be displayed here. You will be able to continue the filing process even though the Arizona MCLE requirements are not satisfied (less than a minimum of 15 hours).
If you are required to meet Arizona's requirements, the CLE events from your tracking page are listed on Screen 2. Members in this category, must have at least 15 CLE hours, 3 of which are professional responsibility/ethics to file. Review this list for accuracy and completeness.
If changes are required, click on the "Cancel & Edit Tracking" button at the bottom left side of the screen.
This will return you to your CLE Tracking Dashboard. Click on the "Go to Tracking Page" button. After making your adjustments, return to the affidavit filing screen by closing the tracking page and clicking on "File Affidavit" button. You will start again at Screen 1.
Once your events are complete and accurate, click on "Next."
Here is where any applicable fees will appear. You will be taken to screen 4 if you do not owe fees.
There are two types of late fees associated with MCLE.
If you selected compliant with Arizona's requirement, but you didn’t complete your CLE hours by the end of the educational year (June 30), a late compliance fee will apply. If you have a late fee displayed but completed all your CLE by June 30, go back and carefully review the dates you entered for your CLE. You may have incorrectly entered a month or year for an event triggering the fees.
If you didn’t file your affidavit by the filing deadline (September 15), a late filing fee will apply.
If there is a fee displayed in this section when neither of these situations apply, do not file your affidavit until you contact the MCLE department (mcle@staff.azbar.org or 602.340.7328 to resolve. If not filing your affidavit would cause you to owe fees, go ahead and file, but indicate pay by check and contact the MCLE department on the next business day to resolve. Failure to file for any reason by the deadline will cause a late filing fee to apply.
You can choose to pay online with a credit card or mail in a paper check. All payments should be remitted within 30 days of filing. Any member with unpaid fees as of December 15 may be subject to summary suspension for MCLE non-compliance.
Screen 4 asks you to confirm that you have read Ariz. R. Sup. Ct. Rule 45. By checking "I agree" you confirm your electronic signature pre-populated onto the screen.
When all four sections are complete, click on the "Submit Affidavit" button.
You will know that your affidavit has been successfully filed when you receive the “Affidavit Submitted Successfully" screen.
If you do not receive the "Affidavit Submitted Successfully" screen, you have not filed your affidavit. Try again or contact the MCLE department for assistance.
You will also receive a copy of your affidavit in the email inbox(es) that you entered as you filed your affidavit. It is not uncommon for the confirmation email to get caught by spam filters. You can also print out a copy of your affidavit from the Affidavit History screen off of your CLE Tracking Dashboard.
There are three screens to be completed in the MCLE affidavit filing process.
Foreign Legal Consultants do not have to enter a filing category. Your filing category is already be recognized by the MCLE affidavit application.
Screen 1 will show you the CLE events you entered on the CLE Tracking Page. Review this list for accuracy and completeness. Members in this category must have at least 15 CLE hours, 3 of which are professional responsibility/ethics, to file an MCLE affidavit.
If changes are required, click on the "Cancel & Edit Tracking" button at the bottom left side of the screen.
This will return you to your CLE Tracking Dashboard. Click on the "Go to Tracking Page" button. After making your adjustments, return to the affidavit filing screen by closing the CLE Tracking Page and clicking on “File Affidavit” button. You will start again at Screen 1.
Once your events are accurate, click on "Next."
Here is where any applicable late fees will appear. You will be taken directly to Screen 4 if you do not owe fees.
There are two types of late fees associated with MCLE.
If you didn't complete your CLE hours by the end of the educational year (June 30), a late compliance fee will apply. If you have a late fee displayed but completed all your CLE by June 30, go back and carefully review the dates you entered for your CLE. You may have incorrectly entered a month or year for an event triggering the fees.
If you didn't file your affidavit by the filing deadline (September 15), a late filing fee will apply.
If there is a fee displayed in this section when neither of these situations apply, do not file your affidavit until you contact the MCLE department (MCLE@staff.azbar.org or 602.340.7328). If you are filing outside of business hours or up against the filing deadline, go ahead and file, but indicate pay by check and contact the MCLE department on the next business day to resolve. Failure to file for any reason by the deadline will cause a late filing fee to apply.
You can choose to pay online with a credit card or mail a paper check. You are not in compliance until your affidavit is filed and any associated fees reflected are paid. Any members with unpaid fees as of December 15 may be subject to summary suspension for MCLE non-compliance.
Once you have paid your fees, click on "Next."
Screen 3 asks you to confirm that you have read Ariz. R. Sup. Ct. Rule 45. By checking "I agree" you confirm your electronic signature pre-populated onto the affidavit.
When all three screens are complete, click on the "Submit Affidavit" button.
You will know that your affidavit has been successfully filed when you receive the “Affidavit Submitted Successfully” screen.
If you do not receive the "Affidavit Submitted Successfully" screen, you have not filed your affidavit. Try again or contact the MCLE department for assistance.
You will also receive a copy of your affidavit in the email inbox(es) that you entered as you filed your affidavit. It is not uncommon for the confirmation email to get caught by spam filters. You can also print out a copy of your affidavit from the Affidavit History screen off of your CLE Tracking Dashboard.
There are four screens to be completed in the MCLE affidavit filing process.
On Screen 1, click the radio button next to “I am subject to COJET”.
Members in this category are employed by a court and are subject to COJET for legal education.
Screen 2 may have no entries, which is alright if claiming COJET compliance (State Bar CLE events will be listed automatically).
Here is where any applicable fees will appear. You will be taken directly to Screen 4 if you do not owe fees.
If you didn’t file your affidavit by the filing deadline (September 15), a late filing fee will apply.
If there is a fee displayed in this section and you are filing by the deadline, do not file your affidavit until you contact the MCLE department (mcle@staff.azbar.org or 602.340.7328) to resolve. If not filing your affidavit would cause you to owe fees, go ahead and file, but indicate pay by check and contact the MCLE department on the next business day to resolve. Failure to file for any reason by the deadline will cause a late filing fee to apply.
You can choose to pay online with a credit card or mail in a paper check. All payments should be remitted within 30 days of filing. Any member with unpaid fees as of December 15 may be subject to summary suspension for MCLE non-compliance.
Screen 4 asks you to confirm that you have read Ariz. R. Sup. Ct. Rule 45. By checking "I agree" you confirm your electronic signature pre-populated onto the affidavit.
When all four screens are complete, click on the "Submit Affidavit" button.
You will know that your affidavit has been successfully filed when you receive the “Affidavit Submitted Successfully” screen.
If you do not receive the "Affidavit Submitted Successfully" screen, you have not filed your affidavit. Try again or contact the MCLE department for assistance.
You will also receive a copy of your affidavit in the email inbox(es) that you entered as you filed your affidavit. It is not uncommon for the confirmation email to get caught by spam filters. You can also print out a copy of your affidavit from the Affidavit History screen off of your CLE Tracking Dashboard.
There are four screens to be completed in the MCLE affidavit filing process.
The MCLE application will automatically recognize that you are a Registered In-House Counsel on Screen 1. You will need to complete the statement, "I am In-House Counsel, Rule 38(i), and I am in compliance with the MCLE jurisdiction of...". Select the MCLE jurisdiction with which you are complying from the drop down.
If your other jurisdiction(s) does not have an MCLE requirement, or you are not complying with the requirements, select Arizona from the drop-down list. In this case, you must meet Arizona's annual MCLE requirement of 15 CLE hours, of which a minimum of 3 hours must be professional responsibility/ethics-defined.
If you are claiming compliance with another jurisdiction, you may or may not have events entered on Screen 2, but may continue the filing process even though the Arizona MCLE requirements are not satisfied.
If you are required to meet Arizona's requirements, the CLE events from your tracking page are listed in Section 2. Review this list for accuracy and completeness.
If changes are required, click on the "Cancel & Edit Tracking" button at the bottom left side of the screen.
This will return you to your CLE Tracking Dashboard. Click on the "Go to Tracking Page" button. After making your adjustments, return to the affidavit filing screen by closing the tracking page and clicking on "File Affidavit". You will start again at Screen 1.
Once your events are complete and accurate, click on "Next."
Here is where any applicable fees will appear.
There are two types of late fees associated with MCLE requirements.
If you are meeting Arizona's requirements and didn’t complete your CLE hours by the end of the educational year (June 30), a late compliance fee will apply. If you have late compliance fees showing, but completed your CLE by June 30, go back and carefully check the dates you entered for your CLE on your tracking page.
If you didn’t file your affidavit by the filing deadline (September 15), a late filing fee will apply.
If there is a fee displayed in this section when neither of these situations apply, do not file your affidavit until you contact the MCLE department (mcle@staff.azbar.org or 602.340.7328) to resolve. If not filing your affidavit would cause you to owe fees, go ahead and file, but indicate pay by check and contact the MCLE department on the next business day to resolve. Failure to file for any reason by the deadline will cause a late filing fee to apply.
You can choose to pay online with a credit card or mail in a paper check. All payments should be remitted within 30 days of filing. Any member with unpaid fees as of December 15 may be subject to summary suspension for MCLE non-compliance.
Click "Next."
Screen 4 asks you to confirm that you have read Ariz. R. Sup. Ct. Rule 45. By checking "I agree" you confirm your electronic signature pre-populated onto the affidavit.
When all four sections are complete, click on the "Submit Affidavit" button.
You will know that your affidavit has been successfully filed when you receive the “successful submission” screen, displaying a copy of your affidavit.
If you do not receive the "Affidavit Submitted Successfully" screen, you have not filed your affidavit. Try again or contact the MCLE Department for assistance.
You will receive a copy of your Affidavit in the email mailbox(es) you entered as you filed your affidavit. From time to time, these emails get caught by spam filters. You can print a copy of your affidavit by going to your Affidavit History screen off of your CLE Tracking Dashboard.
State Bar of Arizona
4201 N. 24th Street Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85016-6266
Phone: 602.252.4804
Fax: 602.271.4930
Copyright ©2004-2025