• ABOUT US

    General MCLE FAQs

    When is the educational year?
    How many CLE hours are required?
    Does the State Bar approve CLE?
    What qualifies as a CLE event or program?
    When is the affidavit due?
    What happens if the requirements are not completed or the affidavit is not filed on time?
    For online programs, what qualifies for interactive programming?
    What is considered self-study programming?
    What is the maximum amount of carry forward hours?
    What kind of limitation exists relative to the types of hours acquired?
    If residing in another state, is an Arizona lawyer required to take CLE and file an affidavit for Arizona?
    Does an attorney need to file an affidavit even if they do not practice law?
    If subject to COJET, does an affidavit still need to be filed?
    If member status was changed from "inactive" to "active", are the requirements prorated?

    CLE Tracking Dashboard FAQs

    How do I get to the CLE Dashboard?
    Do I have to go to the CLE tracking dashboard before filing my affidavit online?
    What’s on the CLE Tracking Dashboard?
    Do I have to enter anything on the Tracking Page?
    Is entering my CLE on the tracking dashboard the same as filing an affidavit?
    How do I enter pro bono services CLE hours on my tracking page and affidavit?
    Can I get some technical help if I need it?
    How do I enter pro bono service CLE hours on my Tracking Page?

    Affidavit FAQs

    I’m a new member and completed CLE hours when I had no requirement to file. Can I claim those hours?
    How can I go back and claim an event from last year?
    I found a mistake on my affidavit. How can I amend it?
    There is a fee assessed on my affidavit filing screen, but I don’t think I owe a fee?

    CLE Related FAQs

    A State Bar program I’ve taken has not shown up on my tracking page. How do I fix this?
    I took a State Bar program after the end of the educational year. How can I move it back?
    How do I calculate and enter teaching hours (including the ethics portion) and enter them on the Tracking Page?
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